Expired Viagra

What You Need to Know About Expired Viagra (& Its Shelf Life)

As with any medication that you take for long-term use, it is essential to understand what the shelf life is, how proper storage impacts potency, and what the expiration date is. The expiration date is commonly found on the bottle, packet, or box, and tells you how long you have to consume the product safely….

Natural PDE-5 Inhibitors

6 of the Most Used Natural PDE-5 Inhibitors by Men for ED

For every medication that is released into the world, there is often a “natural remedy” close behind it that claims to combat the same targeted issue. These remedies are derived from natural foraged plants or ingredients found in your local grocery store, and typically, only have anecdotal testimonials to back up their claims. However, some…

Cialis Bodybuilding

Cialis for Bodybuilding: Surprising Benefits?

When people hear the word “Cialis,” they immediately think of impotence, erectile dysfunction, difficulty getting an erection, and the like (1, 2). While it is true that this particular medication is used as a treatment for ED, its usefulness does not really stop there. It goes far beyond. Did you know that there are numerous…

testrx review

TestRX Review

As men age, testosterone levels drop – and you can start feeling the loss of that youthful masculine energy as early as your thirties. Muscles give in more easily, it gets quicker to pack on the pounds, and even the mind can get hazy and affect daily decision-making and logical thinking. Testosterone deficiency is quite…

Kamagra vs. Viagra

Kamagra vs. Viagra: What You Need to Know

In men who have erectile dysfunction, that is the partial or full inability to obtain or maintain an erection long enough for satisfactory sexual intercourse (1), medications like Viagra or Kamagra are routinely taken. While these medications do not cure the underlying cause of erectile dysfunction, they do allow men to achieve stronger and longer-lasting…